Usability Enhancement and Training for Transaction Portal for Customers
Our Client
Our client is one of the leading insurers in Europe. The company provides a range of general and life insurance products and services for individuals, small business, mid-sized and large-sized companies, and multinational corporations. The company is dedicated to helping customers understand and protect themselves from risks and delivering insurance products and services in more than 200 countries around the world. Our client processes well over 125,000 claims annually with a global team of over 8,000 claims professionals ensuring that all their customer receive the same standard of service everywhere.
Their Business Challenge
In 2014, our client was compelled to re-launch a customer claims portal quickly to provide its customers with an easily accessible online view of their insurance portfolio and transactions across different countries. Most of their clients were not aware of the portal while others were not inclined to use it. The client wanted to drive usage and convince their clients of the tremendous value the revamped portal would bring to them. The client aimed at a complete transformation of the portal – the usability experience, information architecture and interface design. The revamped portal would ensure that the end customer was able to pull up uncluttered views of the specific information they need, in the shortest possible time. Also, at the same time the client needed to educate their employees about the changes in the portal, its changed value, and the effect it was to have in their day-to-day work. Training the staff was crucial for maintaining customer satisfaction and ensuring dependence on manual systems are minimized to facilitate long-term member growth.
Our Solution
After analyzing the current state, we realized that there were two primary groups of users of the portal. Staff members of large multinational corporations with an ongoing business relationship with our customer and employees and partners, spread across different functions and locations such as Underwriting, Claims, Executive, and Administration. We designed a “nugget types” information portal crisp videos, short system recordings, cause-effect visual reminders (desktop wall papers/pin-ups/posters), PDFs with step lists and reference documents to meet the business need.
Over 38 information nuggets were created to get users to draw their attention and generate interest. Each module was aimed at various stakeholders and centered around:
- How to avoid pressing pain points in a day-to-day job
- How specific features of the portal helps save time
- How particular features help make informed decisions
- How to perform any new system tasks
We served our client by creating an efficient multidimensional portal that cut claims processing time by over 30%. Also, we created dashboards that facilitated rapid identification of issues and fraudulent claims as well as a view on real-time issue remediation. The success and effectiveness of the portal drove usage by almost 61% and our client has leveraged our solution to create similar portals for their internal requirements.